City of York Council



SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)


30 June 2021 at 5.30pm







In attendance

Cllr Cuthbertson (Chair), Cllr Hunter, Brenda Christison, Deborah Evans, Katherine Harper, Daryoush Mazloum, Imam Mirazam, Ben Rich, Olivia Seymour (Vice Chair), Penny Coppin-Siddall


Janie Berry (Director of Governance) Maxine Squire (Assistant Director Education and Skills)





43.            Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest


Apologies for absence were received and accepted for Cllrs Fitzpatrick and Rowley, Kate Bailey, Deborah Evans and John Thompson.


Members were informed of the resignations of John Thompson, Brenda Christison, Deborah Evans, Katherine Harper and Rev Keith Albans. All were thanked for their valued contributions to SACRE. 


Due to the resignation of Katherine Harper from Group B, it was agreed that Brenda Christison would be appointed to Group B, resulting in a Group C vacancy.


Imam Abid Salik had relocated out of York and Imam Mirazam was welcomed to SACRE as the Muslim representative.


There were no declarations of interest.




44.            Minutes of Previous Meetings


Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2021 be approved as an accurate record and be signed by the Chair at the next available opportunity.




45.            Constitution Update


The Director of Governance explained that the review of the Constitution was being approached as a Member development and training exercise. The draft Constitution, which had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting, was based on NASACRE governance and good practice from other SACREs and had been written in consultation with Maxine Squire and Olivia Seymour.


Members were invited to comment and ask questions on the draft Constitution. It was confirmed that:

The aim of the constitution was to balance the amount of detail and how it would operate as a reference document for how SACRE would operate, for new and existing Members.

The guidance on membership was to have representation from the most significant group in the local area and NASACRE guidance states that there is one vote per Group.


Members considered the draft Constitution and agreed the following amendments/updates:

Group A – to add Hindu, Budhist and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the group

Group B – there were three members in this group with one vacancy for which the Board of Education would make a nomination. The Director of Governance noted that the Council would seek expressions of interest and nominations for this vacancy.

Group C – the Chair noted that a representative from York Schools and Academies Board or an initial teacher training representative to join this group.

Group D – a Member expressed the view that they would like to see representation from community faith schools, academy, community and independent schools. Members were advised that membership of this group was not limited to elected Members and could include a school governor representative.


Members were advised that:

The national guidance was that the Local Authority determines the membership of SACRE. The timeline of the adoption of the CYC Constitution was given.

It was standard practice for Co-opted Members not to have voting rights



     i.        That the Chair liaise with the Vice Chair, Director of Governance and Assistant Director of Education and Skills on the development of the Constitution and invitation of expressions of interest for nominations to SACRE.

    ii.        That there be no substitutes on SACRE

  iii.        That the Term of Office for Members be 4 years.

  iv.        That further discussion on the Chair and Vice Chair term of office and casting votes be discussed at the next meeting.


Reason: In order to update the Constiution.




46.            Monitoring of Standards


Maxine Squire (Assistant Director for Education and Skills) explained the role of SACRE in monitoring standards.


Resolved: That the questionnaires be sent to schools at the beginning of the Autumn term.


Reason: In order to seek schools’ views.





47.            Overview of from Agreed Syllabus launch


Olivia Seymour noted that there had been excellent attendance from a range of schools at the Agreed Syllabus launch with 36 out of 43 pimary schools attending and 5 out of 6 secondary schools attending. It was noted that consideration may need to be given for catch up sessions for those schools who had been unable to attend.


Thanks was given to Daryoush Mazloum and Penny Coppin-Siddall for attending the launch and for their valued contribution to the launch event. All Members were thanked for their contributions to the Agreed Syllabus. Daryoush Mazloum reported that the he had attended a very good session at the launch event.


Resolved: That the update on the Agreed Syllabus launch event be noted.


Reason: In order to be kept updated on the Agreed Syllabus.




48.            York Interfaith support to schools with their RE curriculum


It was reported that information on National Interfaith week, 14 – 21 November 2021 had been sent to all schools from York Interfaith, outlining their support to schools with their RE curriculum ahead of the week. Penny Coppin-Siddall noted that there had been reponses from schools, with three enquiries arising from the information sent out. Imam Mirazam advised that York Mosque has resumed their school visits.


[Katherine Harper left the meeting at 18:15]


Members were asked if there could be a launch event in September in advance of Interfaith Week. This could include a small competition with small prizes. The Chair noted that funding was available from NASACRE for projects of this kind he undertook to send the information to Penny Coppin-Siddall.


Resolved: That York Interfaith support to schools with their RE curriculum be noted.


Reason: In order to be kept up to date on the work of York Interfaith.




49.            Feedback from NASACRE conference


The Chair fed back on the NASACRE conference, reporting that it had been very informative despite some problems with the conference being held remotely over zoom. It was noted that NASACRE had sent a web link to the presentation and the Chair agreed to provide the details of this to the Democracy Officer to circulate to Members.


Resolved: The feedback from NASACRE conference be noted.


Reason: In order to be kept up to date on the work of NASACRE.




50.            National RE and Collective Worship updates


Members were updated on the Ofsted research report. Olivia Seymour noted that the report highlighted Ofsted would be releasing research reports, with the RE report one of the first to be released. It was noted that this was a significant document for SACRE, as it included information on the legal and contextualised syllabus.


Resolved: That the National RE and Collective Worship updates be noted.


Reason: In order to be kept up to date on National RE and Collective Worship updates.




51.            Correspondence on complaints / determinations


It was reported that there had been no complaints to SACRE.


Resolved: That Members be updated on complaints.


Reason:     In order to be kept updated on complaints to SACRE and determinations of complaints.




52.            Urgent Business






53.            Future meeting dates


Tues 5 Oct 2021 at 5pm

Tues 11 Jan 2022 at 5pm

Tue 1 Mar 2022 at 5pm

Tues 7 June 2022 at 5pm








Cllr I Cuthbertson, Chair





Chair of Advisory Panel

The meeting started at 5.00 pm and finished at 6.40 pm.